Our Grantmaking
The Southern Africa Trust allocates grants to projects in the region of themes trade & development, industrialisation, food, agriculture & natural resources, migration & social protection, and climate change. We have strengthened our capacity as a reputable and reliable fund manager while promoting our strength in building the capacity of civil society organisations and acting as a knowledge broker.
Most grantees are national network associations that implement projects with a regional footprint. We also give grants to regional networks, regional apex organisations, social movements, civil society organisations, and media houses.

We have strengthened our capacity as a reputable and reliable fund manager.

Funding Windows

Open Calls
We issue proposals through our website and the media.
Closed Calls
We determine the strategic areas to pursue, then request organisations from region to submit proposals in line with the strategic priorities.
Unsolicited Funding
We accept unsolicited proposals from organisations if we believe their programmes will add value to the mission and objectives of the Trust.
Discretionary Funding
For organisations needing urgent support in their programme implementation, we give grants at the discretion of the Executive Director.
We have disbursed more than US$17,2million to deserving recipients, through 197 organisations in 16 countries in the SADC region.