
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

the team

Meet Our Team

Alice D. Kanengoni

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Nikiwe Kaunda

Operations Manager

Janet Mudzviti-Zhou

Country Manager - Zimbabwe / Economic Justice Lead

Calvin Mogorosi

Senior Finance & Operations Officer

Boitshepo Kubu

Finance & Operations Associate

Langutani Masingi

Research and Learning Officer

Serge Ntumba


Philani Madletyana

Strategic Grants Management and Learning Officer

Roland Mwesigwa Banya

Consultant for the SA Trust (SADC SIBE Project)

Tafara Makunike

Executive Office Support Intern

Chengetai Madziwa-Kanyangu

Programmes Officer

Nicola Nkhoma

Advocacy & Communications Officer