SADC Regional CSO Consultation on the COVID-19 Crisis

On the 2nd of April 2020, the Southern Africa Trust, together with the SADC Council of NGOs (SADC CNGO), convened a regional dialogue with civil society organisations to discuss and establish a common call for action amongst civil society actors in the SADC region in response to the COVID-19 global crisis. The dialogue provided a platform to share information, track the impact of COVID-19 on civil society institutions in the SADC region and draft common action points and commitment to effectively respond to COVID-19. About 20 regional organisations were in attendance, representing national associations of civil society, social movements, public health organisations, youth, refugees and migrants, ex-miners, small-holder farmers, rural women, women’s organisations, informal cross border traders, faith-based organisations and the private sector, among others.
List of Participating Organisations
- ACT Alliance (Ubambano)
- East and Southern Africa Farmers’ Federation (ESAFF)
- Economic Justice Network (FOCISSA)
- EQUINET – The Network on Equity in Health in Southern Africa
- Gender Links
- International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (Southern Africa)
- Rural Women’s Assembly
- SADC Council of NGOs
- Sonke Gender Justice
- Southern Africa Cross Border Traders’ Association (SACBTA)
- Southern Africa Miners’ Association (SAMA)
- Southern Africa Peoples’ Solidarity Network (SAPSN)
- Southern Africa Trust
- Southern Africa Youth Forum (SAYoF)
Click here to access the call to action.