A small organisation making a big impact
Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam.
Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam.
Delegates to the southern Africa multi-stakeholder regional dialogue have expressed worry over Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among citizens in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, saying the trend will likely derail economic recovery in the region.
The experts made the call on Tuesday in Johannesburg, South Africa at the end of a multi-stakeholder regional dialogue.
There has been a low uptake of the Covid-19 vaccine in SADC members States, including Malawi with latest statistics showing that 933 856 have received at least one dose while 540 186 have been fully vaccinated, representing 4.9 and 2.8 percent, respectively.
Caption: Gondo: We looked at various issues affecting young people.
In Mozambique, 6.5 percent of the targeted population has been vaccinated while in Tanzania only 1.5 percent of the population has been vaccinated. Zambia is at 1.7 percent while South Africa is at 20 percent. However, Seychelles is leading Africa with 81 percent.
Southern Africa Trust (SAT) programme coordinator on economic policy development, Shamiso Chigorimbo, said the problem of vaccine hesitancy requires urgent attention, calling for more awareness in all sectors to ensure that more people get vaccinated and that the region reaches herd immunity.
She said: “Among the issues that came out is vaccine hesitancy, we want to work together and see what policies can be implemented to address this challenge if we are to defeat the virus and get back to normal.”
Southern Africa Youth Forum regional coordinator Misheck Gondo described the conference as a co-creation of ideas which allowed stakeholders to enhanced strategies on how best they can rectify some of the common challenges facing the region.
He said: “We looked at various issues affecting young people in the region and we clustered them within the economic, technological, social and political groups. “
Malawi targets to vaccinate 60 percent of the population or 11 million to reach herd immunity.
In September this year, the country failed to vaccinate 1.1 million to reach the 10 percent target since the vaccination campaign began in March.
Commenting recently on the vaccine uptake, Physicians Assistants Union of Malawi president Solomon Chomba said Covid-19 vaccines have, so far, proved effective and are providing a clear roadmap for economic recovery.
But he warned that if Malawians continue to shun the jab, the country risks being seriously hit by another wave by December this year.
About 30 representatives from various sectors and organizations from SADC attended the two-day conference, which was held under the theme, Are we Building Back Better Towards Economic Recovery?
The participants, among other issues, discussed common challenges facing the region such cross-border challenges, food insecurity and lack of social protection to the vulnerable people
When news about the COVID-19 first broke in December 2019, many countries in the world particularly, African countries did not give it much thought because of the fact that the first cases were recorded in Wuhan China. Which was far away from the shores of the African continent for many this was going to be a virus that would come and go just as many others such the first Severe Acute Respiratory condition (SARs) fever that broke out in the past. Covid-19 as a news item got very little attention and if at all, anything about it was reported it would be a very small component in our foreign news segment. In January 2020 the world health organization WHO declared the COVID- 19 a global health emergency because at this point, the covid-19 infection rate was on the sharp rise and this meant that countries across the globe would have to brace themselves for an unprecedentedly devastating global pandemic yet.
The first two cases of the covid-19 in Zambia were first reported on 18th March 2020, this was just but the beginning of a long hard fight against a pandemic that would bring the whole globe to a standstill and nothing would prepare the country for what was going happen. The pandemic has had adverse effects not only on the health sector of the country but also on the socio-economic sector of the country. With western countries such as the United States of America and United Kingdom putting in interventions such as total lock downs coupled with the Covid-19 preventive protocols, African countries such as Zambia were not only trying to come to terms with this harsh reality about the existence but the government hard to deal with the following challenges;
As much as the covid-19 has had a serious effect on the health and socio-economic status of the country, it also has presented many people with opportunities to be able to think outside the box by coming up with innovative ways of doing business such as the following;
The Role of the media.
As the cases of the covid-19 across the globe escalated, with the death toll in Europe, America and South Africa which happens to be very close to Zambia began to sky- rocket there was need for the media to position itself as a key stakeholder in the fight against covid-19 by ensuring that we did the following;
The COVID-19 global pandemic has had such a negative impact on nations across the globe, despite the fact that most African countries have not experienced very large numbers. In terms of infection and mortality. African countries such as Zambia have been hit economically because of its geographical position of being a landlocked country. Zambia depends on other countries for imports and the covid-19 has put pressure on the country’s economy. As the world has started to open up, the media becomes key in ensuring that the public is kept abreast with what government policies being put in place to foster economic recovery on the other hand. The media has to position itself to reporting more on issues that affect the public in order to help government make policies that will result in the restoration and recovery of the economy.
The existential reality of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has become more than a brutal public health catastrophe. The pandemic started as a public health emergency of international concern but metamorphosed into a socioeconomic and security disaster. Before the pandemic, the world economy was already struggling, reeling from the impact of growing trade protectionism, trade disputes among major trading partners, falling commodity prices and economic uncertainties in Europe over the impact of the UK withdrawal from the European Union (SADC, 2020).
These challenges were already impacting on the global economy with reduced economic output. On the political front, the Economist Intelligence Unit observed that the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the nature of governance currently in existence within the different democracies particularly as it relates to the relationship between governments and the people. In their annual report Democracy Index 2020, The Economist Intelligence Unit notes that it did not require a “pandemic to expose the ailing health of our democracies.”
Overview of the State of Border Management in Southern Africa
Introduction and Background
At the core of border management systems of nation states is the desire to balance two seemingly contrasting goals: preventing and reducing cross-border security threats on one hand and the facilitation of movement of goods and people for improved trade on the other (African Union, 2020; International Organisation for Migration, 2017). Border management thus encompasses the intersection of mobility and security interests (International Organisation for Migration, 2017).
In recent years, security issues in southern Africa have included terrorism and extremism (as currently happening in northern parts of Mozambique); transnational crimes such as human trafficking, drug peddling, cattle rustling, among others. Thus, achieving a good balance between the security and mobility goals depends on effective border management policies and practices within the key areas of identity management, border management information systems, integrated border management and humanitarian border management, and thus significantly contributing to achievement of several targets within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as goal 10, target 10.7 (migration and mobility), and several targets in goals 9 (resilient infrastructure, inclusive industrialisation and innovation) , 16 (peaceful and inclusive societies) and 17 ( revitalising global partnerships) just to mention a few (International Organisation for Migration, 2017).
The Southern African region has over the past few years struggled to sustainably reduce its level of poverty and inequality. Inequalities along class, race, and gender continue to characterise the access and control over both productive and reproductive assets in the region. The global COVID-19 pandemic has worked to worsen poverty and inequality in Southern Africa.
Existing social safety nets and welfare programmes, policies, and practices were unprepared and not effective in protecting the most vulnerable populations. Responses across various stakeholders tended to be responsive, with early warning systems and disaster management (including risk reduction efforts), similar to global trends, were largely inadequate.
Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam.
Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam.
Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem. Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam.