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Unclaimed Social Security Benefits and Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant Mine Workers
Society Talks

Unclaimed Social Security Benefits and Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant Mine Workers

In the 16th installment, the conversation focused on the challenges of migrant mine workers during the pandemic, specifically their inability to claim owed social security benefits, and their existing comorbidities that expose them to higher risk of contracting COVID-19. The panelists included Naledi Monnakgosi, board secretary of the Botswana Labour Migrants Association, Vama Jele, co-ordinator of Southern Africa Mineworkers Association (SAMA), Kerrin Odendaal, Health Focus SA, Kitso Phiri, Independent Consultant in the field of Human Rights in the mining sector, facilitated by Christabel Phiri, of Southern Africa Trust.

Christabel gave a brief background of the various compensation and relief funds in South Africa, available to migrant mine workers who have contracted diseases or occupational injuries. Unclaimed benefits amount to approximately ZAR ten billion.

Kitso outlined the challenges posed to ex-miners, one of the major ones being the advent of technology, and the new processes required to access claims electronically. Government has not facilitated the process, in terms of support and infrastructure, thwarting the process.

From the fund side, Kerrin spoke of a project she has been involved in, creating a database of the miners, to facilitate payments from the various funds. Problems arise with missing or incomplete documentation, contact details that are not updated, and tracking and tracing the migrant workers.  

From the miner’s perspective, Naledi shared their challenges: lack of money for food, homes, livestock, inability to work further due to age, illness, or injury. This also trickles down to the surviving family members of miners who have passed: children have not received adequate education, mothers cannot find work that supports their needs, widows struggle with grief and inability to earn, as well as receiving no support from their late husband’s families.

Vama explained the process that is in place to assist these stricken groups, from the eight member countries: South Africa, eSwatini, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, and Namibia. Associations exist in each of these countries to assist in claims, as well as advocating for rights. They also supply medical assistance to those suffering from occupational illnesses, like lung disease. Vama brought in COVID-19 and how the lockdown restrictions have prevented much of the face-to-face work they do. Using technology has been difficult, as it had not been implemented prior to the pandemic. A major stumbling block is that SAMA is not part of the decision-making process, when it comes to the claim and payment process, they can only implement according to the protocols.

Christabel spoke of an urgent need to review the current legislation around compensation and payments, discussing with the funds about what can be done with the unpaid monies. Issues around information and dissemination, a co-ordinated database that can be accessed by multiple funds, tax exemptions and cross-country money transfers are vital to facilitating the processes.

Discussing the landmark Silicosis settlement, Kitso mentioned the establishment of the Trust intended to organize payments, to gold miners employed by one of the six mining companies in the law suit, those exposed to risk work, within the periods of 1965-2019. This too, applies to dependents of late mine workers. Running for 12 years, the Trust hopes to distribute the funds fairly to those who qualify.

Closing thoughts on what is needed now:

  • Naledi: income generating projects for widows and children.
  • Kerrin: streamline the processes; reduce duplication of documents; use technology to track and trace.
  • Kitso: a single legal/regulatory framework is needed that can be used by all the funds, regardless of which country the mine workers are from or have returned to – this will reduce the massive administration associated with claims.
  • Vama: strengthen the partnerships between the various funds; build capacity within the mine associations using online solutions; advocate for and mobilize miners and their families; food security for suffering families who have been unable to claim, due to the pandemic.

Addressing the risk on Food Security in Southern Africa during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Addressing the risk on Food Security in Southern Africa during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the lockdown period of the pandemic, many communities were placed at risk of greater exclusion as a result of the restrictions on movement and limited access to communications platforms due to data requirements and costs. Civil Society Organizations across the regions rose to the increased demand for their support in spite of their own experienced challenges. In a response to the urgent need to connect communities with an aim of informing, engaging, and sharing experiences with the broader society, the Southern Africa Trust launched a series of webinars titled Society Talks which has succeeded in bringing the plight of poor communities within the Southern Africa Development Communities (SADC) region during the pandemic, to light.

One pertinent area of discussion has been on food security and how the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 outbreak have negatively affected particularly women and youth engaged in agriculture and informal trade. While food security was a problem prior to the pandemic, the situation has thrown a spotlight on how the discourse around the sector has been managed by the various governments across Africa, underscoring a need for urgent improvement.

While smallholder farmers add significant value to food security, operating as informal traders at a micro-level means they are often excluded from the value chain. More emphasis needs to be placed around creating inclusive spaces within these value chains to acknowledge and encourage the smallholder farmer contributions, supporting local economies. Numerous participants agreed that Africa has the capacity to produce healthy food for its people, even in times of a pandemic or natural disaster. The need for food sovereignty is obvious, along with a focus on reducing imports like rice, oil, and wheat. To solve hunger problems, there needs to be a move away from global commodity chains and re-localize food systems.

The direct impact that the pandemic has had on informal traders, mostly women, has been dire. With no market access and no cross-border trade permitted, farmers were unable to sell their product, and traders unable to get food staples in exchange for fresh produce. The knock-on effect also is the possibility of wasted growing seasons due to the lack of access to seed.

A recurring theme in the webinars is the need for sharing of knowledge and collaboration on response strategies.  As a direct result of the Society Talks, 12organisations, initiated by the Southern Africa Trust, Graça Machel Trust, Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) and the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment(CAPSI), have formed a call to action, directed to SADC Secretariat, that outlines the belief that regional intergovernmental coordination and democratized engagement with community and social actors in neglected sectors is a priority. By focusing on the goal of food security in the region, equality and human rights will be strengthened, while opportunities across the food chain for rural and urban youth will be created.

To respond to the immediate socio-economic hardships caused by the pandemic, as well as building a new foundation for a sustainable and resilient recovery, the document presented to SADC has the following policy recommendations (in summary):

Strengthen the ecosystem of support for smallholder, family, and subsistence farmers

To do this, agricultural policies must support the smallholder, family and subsistence farming sector, with particular emphasis on climate resilient agro-ecology methods, while strengthening indigenous farming knowledge; expand access to land and support land redistribution programmes; offer public financial support programmes; strengthen local value chains; promote and protect the rights of rural women food producers; and crack down on exploitative and anti-competitive business practices.

Invest in the role of women in food security

Women and children must be put in the center of recovery efforts in the agricultural sector, involving them in policy dialogue and decision-making; adopt a gender-based right to food and nutrition frameworks; involve rural women in the mitigation and adaptation development strategies in relation to climate change; eliminate gender, racial and ethnicity, and class discrimination in the allocation of agricultural resources; and eliminate the discrimination, violence and harassment of women cross-border informal traders.

Involve youth in agriculture

Establish support programmes for rural youth that provide access, such as land loans, quality seeds and technical support; expand free vocational training and education in agriculture, targeting the large proportion of unemployed young people; support the development of youth farming organizations and co-operations; expand and improve internet connectivity services to rural areas to enable access to information and markets; create job funds at national levels to encourage local businesses and farming enterprises to hire and upskill young people.

Rebuild sustainable indigenous food systems

Defend seed sovereignty and rebuild sustainable indigenous food systems that eliminate the waste of natural resources; priorities the use of agro-ecology approaches; value and expand on the indigenous knowledge systems, including the teaching of this at schools; and reallocate land to sustainable farming to transition out of intensive monocropping industrial agriculture, in favor of models that are climate resilient, support biodiversity, reduce scarce water consumption and priorities local food needs.

Public financing for food security

SADC should halt the net capital outflows of gains from natural resources and urgently operationalize the Agricultural Development Fund; this fund should support smallholder, family and subsistence farmers, by establishing a dedicated food sovereignty and nutrition fund that supports the sustainable production of diverse foods; the fund should be open and accessible, with transparent monitoring and reporting frameworks; increase the overall national budget allocations to meet existing Malabo Declaration commitments.

Institutional frameworks and regional cooperation

The right to food, food security and nutrition should be recognized by SADC Member States in all national legislative frameworks, strengthening the emergency and long-term policy and programme co-ordination; a centralized multi-stakeholder food security and nutrition information system should be established; fast track the implementation of the SADC-wide universal protection floor, that guarantees access to essential healthcare and basic income security.

The time is ripe for change – a new regional strategic development plan by SADC could be the instrument to transform food systems towards models of food security that end hunger and secure citizen’s rights to development and self-determination.

“We always knew there were very vulnerable families and communities in our nations, but only with lockdowns we woke up to the need to provide for them, including distributing food, for them to survive. Without lockdowns, I don’t know whether we would have had the movement, which governments have taken to organize themselves, to dig deep and find their sources to provide for those vulnerable families, the unemployed and people living with disabilities.”

Mrs. Graça Machel – Society Talks airing 13

COVID-19 Impact on SADC Food Systems, Smallholder Agriculture and Policy Options
Society Talks

COVID-19 Impact on SADC Food Systems, Smallholder Agriculture and Policy Options

Society Talks is a public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development community, business and the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

In its thirteenth instalment, the conversation focused on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on women farmers in Africa, as well as looking at the challenges faced by smallholder farmers. The panellists included Graça Machel, Founder of the Graça Machel Trust and Chair of the Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS); Domingos Gove, Director of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, SADC Secretariat; Ruth Hall, Chair and Professor at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS); Elizabeth Swai, Founder member of African Agribusiness Academy, and Head of Africa Women in Agribusiness; Beatrice Makwenda, Head of Policy and Communication of the National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi, and Coordinator of the Rural Women’s Assembly(Malawi); moderated by Bronwyn Nielsen, Founder and CEO of Nielsen Network.

Mama Machel opened the dialogue with a statement of how the pandemic has exacerbated all the existing issues of social and economic inequality and injustices. She said that COVID-19 has brought these issues to the forefront, where they could no longer be ignored. While none of these issues are new, the lockdown restrictions implemented by various countries spurred action in feeding the impoverished and marginalized communities. The inadequacy of the policies and the lack of investment are well known, but it has taken the COVID-19 pandemic to shake us into action.

She also emphasized that the hunger of people in SADC should not be tolerated any more. By sharing knowledge and technology, she said Africa has the resources to do this, but needs to be mobilized to invest in smallholder farmers. Women in farming must be represented, and empowered to harness digitization, placed at the centre stage of agriculture, health, and education.

Ruth opened with her statement of how the crisis in the food system is not going to be resolved by focusing only on increased food production. She said the pandemic has brought the issues into focus, but that the way we have been addressing them has possibly only aggravated them. Mentioning how half of all the households in South Africa ran out of money to feed themselves by mid-April during the lockdown, shows that the legitimacy of our national government is in question. Ruth called the problem of food shortages colonial, where many of the rural and indigenous people do not have access to land, despite over three decades of (failed) land redistribution programmes. The unsolved problems of a colonial legacy are happening alongside the current issues.

She pointed out how the smaller scale producers and informal value chains have been disrupted during lockdown, while large corporate value chains have been protected and continue to operate. To solve hunger problems, we need to move away from global commodity chains, stop relying on imports and re-localize food systems.    

Moving forward, the two main issues for change are:

  • A need for income support
  • The structural changes in our food system, specifically seed policy, access to common resources of water and land, regulating the private sector so smallholder farmers can sell their products in the big supermarkets.

Elizabeth spoke of the lockdown in Tanzania, and of policies of trade restrictions. The trade barriers are hindering the ability to solve hunger in the area, into other countries, but this is a problem that existed before COVID-19.

Beatrice explained the anxiety of the disruption that the pandemic bought to small scale women farmers, who in March, were gearing up for the harvesting season. Market access, including cross-border, shut down, causing massive waste as farmers were unable to sell their produce. The ensuing discussions were thwarted by the inability to interact, due to lockdown restrictions, excluding the very farmers who needed to be heard.  So, communication virtually broke down between the organisations and the smallholder farmers. She spoke of the need for investment in emergency policies in regional and national levels, as well as the need for access to inputs, like finance. Digitalizing needs to be broader and cheaper to increase access.

Domingos reflected on SADC’s response to the impact of the pandemic– noting how there are currently 45 million food insecure southern Africans,10% up on last year’s figures. He also touched on the malnutrition and stunted growth of children. In response to the question of how SADC can fast track the response for smallholder farmers, Domingos explained how they are looking for ways to increase the voice of society, as well as looking to the existing policies and structures and how these can be fast tracked so the benefit can trickle down to women and children.

In response to a question about land reform policy in Mozambique, Mama Machel explained how the process is involving all the individuals and CSOs from different regions, which brings sharing and knowledge. But, they are wary that changing the land policy may open a gap for big corporates.

Domingos reflected that a committee of stakeholders, CSOs and smallholder farmers to address SADC’s response to COVID-19 would be a good idea, but that they are obligated to use existing channels of communication.

Ruth brought up the global financial crisis of 2008, and how it brought massive foreign investor interest in African land and water, essentially a land grab much like in colonial times. She foresees this happening again, with climate change and growing global populations, pressure on Africa’s natural resources will mount.

Elizabeth reiterated that existing strategies don’t work, that technology and crowd funding should be encouraged, as well as a database where statistics of farmers can be managed internally. She also said it is high time that policies were reviewed to change them to actual plans and results.

Beatrice spoke of a need to look at investments and see where they are going, to get the economies working again for the farmers, ensuring access to production inputs, and building resilience against climate change.

Masego closed with her summing up of the lack of solidarity at the role women play in the smallholder farming sector, and the need to rethink the policies and the agricultural food system and examine what is required at a practical level.

Click here to watch the full webinar


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).

Society Talks

Rethinking the Social and Economic Order for the Future – A Feminist Perspective

Society Talks is a public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development community, business and the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

In the twelfth instalment, the conversation centred on a feminist view of social inclusion, post pandemic – a time for inspirational leadership that sustains the energy gained during the pandemic. The panel included Âurea Mouzinho, a Political Economist and Feminist Activist (Angola), Hesphina Rukato, Author, Development Consultant and Feminist Activist (Zimbabwe), Memory Kachambwa, the Executive Director of FEMNET (Kenya), hosted by Masego Madzwamuse,CEO of the Southern Africa Trust.

Opening the conversation, Âurea shared her view of how although the COVID-19 pandemic started as a health crisis, it very quickly evolved into a crisis of injustice, inequality and care, both on a social and economic level. She and Hesphina felt that the feminist viewpoint is vital in future planning, with Hesphina bringing the example of women-led countries having a better response to the pandemic, than others. She also mentioned the need to address the emotional, psychological, and spiritual support across the continent that has been lacking during the pandemic.

Memory supported the statement of the lack of female leadership in Africa and the world, and how the pandemic could have been handled differently. She said that Africa has resilience in coping with crises, citing HIV and Ebola as examples, and should build on this, creating home grown resources and solutions, and not relying so much on help from the West. Acare-centred economy is needed, as seen during COVID-19, where the burden on women has been so great.

Commenting on the pandemic response from Angola, Âurea spoke of the large portion of female population in the informal economy that were not assisted. She also mentioned her disappointment in the lack of support for women and girls affected by gender-based violence, as well as the inability of women to work during the lockdown, because of school closures and the need to look after their children. She touched on the response (or lack thereof)from SADC with regards to debt repayment or cancellation.

Hesphina touched on the lack of trust between governments and its citizens, saying this is what must change. She said we should use the plans for an improved social, political, and economic future as developed by women leaders, as the voice to government, moving forward – a clear plan of action.

“Moving from celebrating aid that enables us to breathe, to a space where we are clear about what our vision is.”

Memory looked at the humanitarian response to COVID-19, and how feminist rights are lacking. She said that post-pandemic is a good time to reorganise the way economies are structured, to challenge global economic powers, shaping a vision that is not centred on COVID as a humanitarian crisis, but using COVID as the benchmark.

Hesphina and Âurea spoke about civic engagement and the need to stop looking at governments for solutions, but rather focus on their accountability.

“COVID brings a fundamental lesson, that we are as weak as the weakest.”

Memory spoke of the development of female economic empowerment, how they are building a movement of African Macro Economics. She also spoke of how they are targeting teens and young adolescents to encourage more investment in female support. Collective action is needed for women to achieve together.

In response to the question of whether or not Africa has the kind of leadership that can challenge the world order, Hesphina said there is a need to look at the leadership in a collective way: political, economic and social, women, me n civil society – all stakeholders together can face the challenge. Memory added to this, saying that most of the leadership in Africa was not democratically elected, which makes it difficult to embrace the agenda. She said it is up to civil society to challenge the leadership to ensure it puts the wellbeing of its people at the centre. Âurea added the need to engage with indigenous groups and feminist movements in other countries, to strengthen collective power that can challenge the anti-democratic authoritarian surge.

Click here to watch the full webinar


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).

Youth Social Entrepreneurship in Africa
Society Talks

Youth Social Entrepreneurship in Africa

Society Talks is a public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development community, business and the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

In the ninth instalment, the conversation focused on young social entrepreneurship in Africa, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The panellists included Esi Otchere, Recruitment Associate at Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (Ghana), Emmanuel Marfo, co-founder and Consultant of Global Shapers Community & Innovation Hub (Ghana), and Lemogang Senwelo, co-founder of The Pereil Group and Leadership and Governance Mentor (Botswana), hosted by Marlon Zakeyo of the Southern Africa Trust.

Esi opened the conversation with an overview of her work with an organization she is involved with, looking at health and women empowerment. Even before COVID-19 hit, there was concern in West Africa about the health care system. People have found ways to bring health care to those who cannot afford it or do not have access, using technology like simple apps. Another focus has been finding employment opportunities for marginalized women, upskilling them to make them more employable, especially those in rural communities. A big part of this is instilling confidence, that then supports their ability.

Lemogang spoke about the disruption that the pandemic has caused, since much of the work in her company involves bringing people into the country. She said they have increased the use of social media platforms and technology to maintain the contact and communication with the young people they mentor and the leadership in their ecosystem. Interestingly, the theme set at the beginning of the year for African Youth Entrepreneur Summit was Upskilling the Industrial Workforces in Preparation for Africa’s Digital Transformation – a most fortuitous topic.

Emmanuel echoed Esi and Lemogang’s comments on the uptake of digital technology to continue their mentoring programme. He said that some of the social entrepreneurs have come up with innovations to help with PPE protocols, but that there has been less engagement and less policy development during lockdown. Funding has also been slowed, but the mood and energy is still buoyant.

In response to a question of what skills citizens need to sharpen to grow sustainable enterprises, Esi spoke of the need to find a cause that motivates, and work towards that. She said it’s easy to become an expert in something if you are passionate about it, and the key then is to find a way to make an impact that has social benefit. Using technology to achieve your goals, like coding or social media marketing, is essential to success.

Lemogang added that ‘heart’ – being emotionally invested in what you do – is at the core of social entrepreneurship. This, coupled with a goal of what social impact it will have, is what will see you through the difficult times of developing a business. The right mindset is as important as the skills, knowing how you want it turn out, regardless of what happens along the way.

In the context of mentoring, Emmanuel expressed the need for good communication skills, citing an example where young social entrepreneurs were given an opportunity to talk about their ideas on national television –engagement and lobbying skills are essential. He also spoke of a need to understand process, to come up with realistic solutions. Reflecting on how many social entrepreneurs want to develop their business alone, he said this is what would limit them, or hold them back. If you don’t have the necessary skills, you need to collaborate with those who do, to add exponential growth to the development and implementation of ideas. Teamwork is a skill that should not be underestimated.

Marlon reiterated the need for partnerships and teamwork, especially now as people are separated. For smaller social businesses and NGOs to survive, it’s vital to remain united and encourage collaboration.

Addressing gender equality in youth social entrepreneurship, Esi spoke of the need for organizations to be more deliberate in their search for female talent. There should be more encouragement and support for women and girls to enter the tech and science space and be coached to take risks.

Lemogang, in response to the question of going beyond profit objectives, shared her personal difficult journey of her entrepreneurship. Realizing that other young people would go through similar challenges and obstacles, she decided she would rather help and empower youth so they can stay on track and not suffer through the process.

Speaking to the challenges of collaboration between social entrepreneurs and the private sector, Emmanuel explained how private sector need governance and trust – they want to see the systems and checks that have been put in place. He also mentioned that the private sector needs to be recognized for their contributions, so the impact must be demonstrated, or the partnerships will fail. He said the importance is not only coming up with a solution to a challenge, and getting the funding to implement it, but to be able to demonstrate all aspects of the effort, for sustainability of the opportunity.  

On the subject of mental health, Esi spoke on support structures for young entrepreneurs. She said there is already access for people who need it, to psychologists and mental health workers, but that the first step was for a person to reach out and recognize that they need help. Lemogang added to this, by sharing her coping mechanisms: speaking to her coaches, mentors and her employees; keeping busy with initiatives that are coming up; and trying not to only see the negative impact of the pandemic.

Emmanuel addressed the question of social entrepreneurship in politically unstable economies, like Zimbabwe or Sudan. He said that policy engagement is more effective when approached by a group, rather than individuals.  

In closing, Marlon asked the panelists to paint a picture of what their post-pandemic Africa would be like:

  • More global power – more of a voice in a crisis
  • More connectivity, and with it, more exposure within the world
  • Young people are given a platform to speak, and be heard
  • Opportunities are offered, not fought for
  • Resources are found and used effectively
  • More collaboration among young entrepreneurs to solve problems.

Click here to watch the full webinar


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).

Supporting Indigenous Communities in Africa Beyond COVID-19
Society Talks

Supporting Indigenous Communities in Africa Beyond COVID-19

Society Talks is a public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development community, business and the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

In the eleventh instalment, the discussion looked at the disproportionate affect that the pandemic has had on indigenous communities, which has magnified structural inequalities and discrimination – and how critical long-term solutions are needed post-COVID. The panel included Lesle Jansen, Programme Director at Natural Justice, Kanyinke Sena, Director at the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC), and Job Morris, Co-founder and Director of the San Youth Network, hosted by Masego Madzwamuse, CEO of the Southern Africa Trust.

Lesle opened the dialogue by sharing background on indigenous people in Africa. She mentioned a study that looked at indigenous populations in 19 African countries – and how some communities within the region, particularly those with hunter-gatherer forms of land economies, are not accessing their human rights on a par with other African societies.

Job spoke about the San Youth Network, a recently opened organization working towards the needs of San Youth, including health, culture, and movement. Most recently, the work has been focused on delivering aid and information with regards to COVID-19.

Kanyinke discussed the work of IPACC, which is to promote the rights of indigenous people in Africa. With 135 organizations forming the network, the focus has been on environmental climate change, the anticipation of war, and women’s rights. He also highlighted some of the impacts that the pandemic has had on indigenous communities, like the effect of border closures on nomadic groups who have livestock that graze cross borders, and the lack of access to information about COVID-19, because of the channels used.

Kanyinke also delved into the increased burden on women, due to COVID-19, and a new development of how the school closures have resulted in a sharp rise in teenage pregnancies.

Lesle spoke of the challenges that indigenous people face, due to the lack of human rights.  Communities are not able to engage with policy makers, the geographical location of communities is too remote – special measure are needed to ensure that these communities are not left behind. The approaches to community engagement: consultation, participation, people being able to give consent – are difficult to implement if people are not recognised as a group.

Job expanded on some of the challenges, bringing up gender violence, as a result of increased stress experienced during the restrictions. He also raised the lack of food, and the resulting hunger, which has caused poaching.

Looking to solutions, Kanyinke spoke of how IPACC is working towards curating information for indigenous communities, that is distributed, understood, and accepted. He also spoke about basic measures, like providing water tanks to promote hand washing, free masks, and health services for the infected. Without these, the effects of the virus when it does arrive in indigenous communities, will be devastating.    

Job spoke of the difficulty with communication, with languages that are not recognized, or even understood by the organizations trying to help.

Lesle said that civil society groups should put all their weight behind advocating for the human rights and struggles of these groups, who are the custodians of heritage and biodiversity. In closing, the panelists collectively advised on the need for the preservation of language, culture and heritage, of these communities.

Click here to watch the full webinar


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).

The Importance of Disaster Preparedness in a Time of Climate Change
Society Talks

The Importance of Disaster Preparedness in a Time of Climate Change

In the eighth instalment of Society Talks, the conversation focused on the need for disaster preparedness, to ensure that the impact of natural disasters and pandemics are kept to a minimum, especially in reflection of the Cyclone Idai and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The panelists included Maggie Mwape, Co-Chair of the Southern Africa Youth Forum and Executive Director for the Centre for Environmental Justice, Chikondi Chabvuta, Southern African Humanitarian Advisor for Action Aid International, Wellington Mahohoma, a volunteer for the Citizens Initiative in Zimbabwe, hosted by Masego Madzwamuse, CEO of the Southern Africa Trust.

Chikondi responded to the question of what previous disasters like Cyclone Idai have taught us, starting with how the community needs early warning messages, even if that information is not entirely accurate (from Weather Bureau). Having preparedness plans in place, educates the community on what steps they need to take, as well as mapping community groups and government agencies that offer support and resources. Another shortfall is how the culprits behind the climate change are not taking the lead in responding (climate justice). From the COVID-19 perspective, it just highlights the existing vulnerabilities and challenges on a humanitarian level, globally.

Undertaking a vulnerability analysis involves checking the risks that exist in that community, who is impacted by the risks, with the community themselves coming up with mechanisms that can address the challenges– a process that is most successful when led by women.

Maggie told of how the SADC region has a Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy for helping countries affected by natural disasters, in terms of financial and technical support, but as a region, we are not ready. The challenge is always resources, followed by difficulty in implementing the strategies and innovations.

Wellington shared how his organization, in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai, appealed on social media for donations, the response of which was quite good – demonstrating that there is a new platform for support. He mentioned corruption and how sad it is that it exists in times of disaster management. Also talking to trust and credibility of the information that is sent out to communities, and if they use that information.

Chikondi spoke of how there seems to be very little learning from each disaster. Relating to a meeting in Zimbabwe earlier in the year, she noted how strong the response was from the community for a need to be involved in the planning to ensure that their grassroots structures are actually working. This includes using their indigenous knowledge as well as science to inform planning and making people accountable when the plans don’t work. Masego also mentioned how the information about climate change that links to the natural disasters, is not getting through to the communities, so planning and policies are not built on the knowledge.

Maggie explained that the language used to explain climate change must be one that is understood at the community level – so that the people understand their roles and their rights in claiming for climate justice. This enables them to take part in forming the solutions.

Wellington spoke on the need to account for every dollar of donated money, as well as ensuring that value is obtained. He said a project’s progress could be tracked on social media – enabling the quick sharing of information (money, spending etc.) – and this would be a big step towards avoiding corruption. Also, making communities aware that they have the right to demand accountability from the office bearers, that need to go beyond the point of just receiving aid.

Chikondi reiterated the need for accountability for the various Disaster Funds and resources that are available for people, making them more accessible. She said there must be decentralization of these funds, ensuring the communities know about them and can access them. Maggie supported Chikondi’s statement, saying that the criteria for recipients of benefits actually disadvantages the community.

Chikondi stated that all the agencies in the region are working towards resilience – the key being that they need to work together, have collective action. Wellington spoke of his desire for communities to get to the point of being able to look after themselves. By relating to the communities as partners, you achieve more, in less time.

Looking to the future, we need to bridge the gap between government and civil society – a shared space to engage with community. To aspire to resilient communities where there is social justice and people’s rights upheld, with women and youth taking charge.

Click here to watch the full webinar.


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society. 

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).

The Experiences of Community Foundations Amidst COVID-19 Responses
Society Talks

The Experiences of Community Foundations Amidst COVID-19 Responses

In the seventh instalment of Society Talks, the conversation focused on the experiences of the community foundations who play a major role in meeting the needs of marginalized people, during COVID-19. Panelists included Beulah Fredericks, Executive Director of the Community Development Foundation Western Cape, Jeremy Maarman, Director for the Initiative of Community Advancement, Niaina Harijaona,Technical Coordinator of the Citizens Organization for Common Interests Defense Madagascar)and Busisa Moyo, Chairman of I Am For Bulawayo Fighting COVID-19 Trust (Zimbabwe); facilitated by Marlon Zakeyo, of the Southern Africa Trust.

Beulah opened the narrative with a brief background of the work she does within the Community Development Foundation. Focusing on the upliftment and empowerment of women and children, Youth Civic Engagement, the Green Economy (sustainable livelihoods and the taking back of empty spaces), and the Giving Economy (helping communities with horizontal philanthropy), Beulah specifically listens for burning issues within communities, talking less and listening more. The Foundation also covers the constitutional building of CBOs, looking at issues of governance, accountability, capacity building and training.

Jeremy started with an explanation of community foundations– mechanisms for community giving, financial and other, usually based around a community fund that addresses specific issues. Community members can give to the fund by debit orders or through fund raising events, thereby giving the community the ability to fund and support their own development.  

Niaina summarized the general feeling in Madagascar towards COVID-19 as being very fearful, with civil society organizations being limited by travel restrictions, experiencing delays with activity implementation, delays with payments and struggling to continue their work.

Busisa outlined the situation of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe, saying they have had a spike in infections since people have started returning from South Africa. Currently on Level 2, Zimbabwe schools and churches remain closed, as well as some high-risk business sectors. He mentioned the broad suffering by many of the population due to the lockdown, and the inability to generate an income.

In discussing the impact on community foundations, Beulah explained how they were not set up for remote working. She explained how their group, the CDF, had no new funding so started the response to the pandemic on aback foot – many of the initiatives and fund-raising events were suspended – so they focused their efforts on solidarity. She said the overwhelming call from the community was not for money, rather for emotional support. The community-led response was impressive, enabling feeding programmes through the existing networks. The gaps she noted were in mental health, access to information and the lack of technology. Sadly, she speculated that the foundation may not survive many more months.

Jeremy said that the bringing of people together has not been possible, thwarting fundraising efforts and planned engagements. In response, they have launched an online talk show, with a strong youth focus, discussing among others, mental health issues. They were asked to deliver food security services in their ward, using Meal on Wheels and community donations.

Niaina said the response was mainly focused on the affected urban areas, distributing a mix of cash allowances, and food and hygiene parcels. The biggest problem was identifying who should benefit from these subsidies, which was difficult due to high levels of corruption, with a lack of transparency and reporting on funds used. The civil society groups are trying to advocate for more collaboration and exchange of information with other groups and donors.

Busisa explained how they have not had the resources to reach everybody, especially the marginalized communities on the outskirts of the region, but the government has promised social grants to vulnerable groups in rural areas. The real challenge is the cities, where hunger has become a burning issue. The civil society groups are having to identify these families and act fast.

Beulah explained how the approach initially was to deliver food parcels, but in a bid to restore dignity, they shifted to giving out small grants, which included money for food, taxi fares and data. She felt this was as strategic move on the part of the foundation, to show the community they were acting on their requests, really listening, the outcome of which promoted the horizontal sharing among community members.

In conclusion, Jeremy said the biggest lesson learned showed that people can get through whatever life throws at them, collectively and with collaboration. Niaina said their biggest lesson was the relations the civil society organizations have at grassroots level, during the travel restrictions that prevented many of their activities. This is what enabled them to know what was happening across the country. Another key point they noticed was with the increased reliance on technology to communicate, they had to rely on the youth-based organizations to facilitate. Busisa’s key observations were: to pay attention to the development of health care sector, building resilience through private, corporate and public sector cooperation and participation; to study value chain resilience, that is to be able to provide at least food for the country in times of crisis; and to apply this thinking to the region (Sub Saharan Africa), looking at neighboring countries and the need for cross-border collaboration in times of a global pandemic.

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Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society. 

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).


Food Security and how Smallholder Farmers are Critical to Community Survival
Society Talks

Food Security and how Smallholder Farmers are Critical to Community Survival

Society Talks is a public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development community, business and the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society. 

In its sixth instalment, the conversation centered on smallholder farmers and their role in community survival. The panelists for the session included Mercia Andrews of the South African Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA), Flaida Macheze from the Mozambique National Small-Scale Farmers Forum (UNAC), and Joe Mzinga of the Eastern & Southern African Small-Scale Farmers Forum.

The conversation focused on the availability and accessibility of food during the pandemic and closed borders. We looked at the challenges that smallholder farmers face and discussed the measures that need to be put in place to address these challenges. The panelists agreed that development measures that are not crisis-driven are needed in Africa.

Mercia Andrews opened with a statement about smallholder farmers not being recognized for their valuable contributions – 85% of these farmers provide most of the food for the country. She said the lockdown had disrupted the value chain, showing the government’s limited understanding of the impact that smallholder farmers have. She emphasized the gap between large-scale retailers and small-scale farming and the injustice that only large retailers could continue providing food during the Lockdown. 

She also mentioned the Agriculture Relief Fund – and how its stringent requirements on proving annual turnover excluded many women farmers who could not prove their income. The fact that the food parcels put together and distributed during the lockdown were not sourced from smallholder farmers, shows that there is insufficient knowledge by the South African government of how local economies operate, and the role of small-scale producers. By not seeing the value and contribution of this sector to society and the economy, the government has not established sufficient support programmes. 

Flaida Macheze highlighted the lack of government support for small-scale farming in Mozambique, as well as the 20% increase in the cost of food imports and decrease in volume. Since the staples of maize and sugar have run out, it would be a great opportunity for small-scale farmers to sell their produce. She said there were seed shortages due to border closures, and that while UNAC is introducing indigenous seed, it is not on a scale that could feed the country. She spoke of the need for food sovereignty – producing healthy food for the nation in times of a pandemic or natural disaster. 

Flaida expressed her belief that it is a good time to boost peasant agriculture, focusing on variety and not the large-scale production of single foods, like maize. The government must increase access to rural markets over supermarkets, especially in these times. 

Joe Mzinga opened with a statement that no country in SADC is succeeding in the agricultural sector. Supporting Mercia’s sentiment that the input of small-scale farming to trade and economy is not recognized. He said regardless of the lockdown, food movement between countries is restricted and there is a massive disruption. What is to be learned from this, is that countries need to focus on sustainable intracontinental production of food to reduce the need for imports of rice, oil and wheat. There is a need for financial inclusion and more funding.

The panelists were united in their views of the measures that need to be taken:

  • Rebuild the seed banks, with a focus on indigenous seed as they offer better yield, as well as diversifying food types
  • Investment is needed to build capacity at a local level 
  • Allow women access to land, in their own right
  • Offer subsidies to smallholder farmers and access to agricultural inputs
  • Provide more support in the form of farmer input programmes
  • Encourage the government to put a ceiling on food imports: SADC has the natural resources to support local food production
  • More investment is needed in the value chain to create more jobs
  • Priority must be placed on smallholder farmers – consultation is vital between farmers and policymakers to determine the type of support needed
  • SADC should provide extension services to smallholder farmers.

Start with agriculture and empower people to contribute to the economy. Grow food that is appropriate to the region – smallholder farmers can feed the nation if they get support.

Click here to watch the full webinar.


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society. 

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).


The voices of Southern Africa’s youth in the era of COVID-19
Society Talks

The voices of Southern Africa’s youth in the era of COVID-19

Society Talks a public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development community, business and the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society. On its fourth instalment, the conversation centered on the youth. The panelists for the session were young people, namely Thokoza Mjo, the Programme Lead for the Anzisha Prize – a Young Entrepreneur Acceleration programme for 15 – 22 year-olds at the African Leadership Academy; Ronald Magomo, the Regional Advocacy and Communications Manager at Southern African Youth Forum, and Rukudzo Nyoka – a student at African Leadership University and co-founder of an edu-techstart-up, Mtabe.

The conversation centered on the youth and their response to COVID-19. Amplifying the voice of young people during this pandemic is important as they represent close to 40% of the population in Southern Africa. While one in two young people is likely to be unemployed in the region, it is recorded by SADC and COMESA that over 70% of the labor force participates in the informal economy, of which young people, especially women make up the majority. Also, the Goalkeepers Report (2018), published by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation forecasts that by 2050 the largest number of young people, globally, will live in Africa, surpassing youth populations of South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Oceania.

Young people are no less if not more vulnerable to the depravity caused by the pandemic. As the world contemplates a post COVID-19 reality, Mariama Sow of the Brookings Institute reports, “investing inhuman capital has been pivotal in the prosperity of emerging economies…specifically those in health and education can trigger an 88% increase in GDP per capita by 2050”. Young people make up a significant proportion of those whose work will be needed to realize this growth potential, to invest in them is to invest in the region’s development.

Panelist Rukudzo Nyoka, founder of an edu-tech start-up, Mtabe agrees. She highlights how the education sector has experienced a huge setback during this pandemic wherein the resort to online learning has been largely impractical. Internet penetration in Southern Africa is around 40%; the region’s Internet infrastructure caters mostly for middle to upper-income customers, while the majority of region’s youth come from low-income or even child-headed households. Her call to action is for business to do things differently by leveraging existing solutions and customizing them to the region’s context and ensuring the solutions are affordable to the poorest.

Fellow panelist Ronald Magomo emphasized the different ways young people have been proactive in responding to this pandemic by producing PPEs and developing technology to protect households from unsafe water. As a representative of the regional body for youth, he highlighted the importance of young people participating in the decision-making and policy development structures. The creativity and innovation needed to #BuildBackBetter is abundant among young people, yet they are often excluded, despite the fact that they represent an important share of the continent’s population. Thokoza Mjo further shared how funders and financiers can do things differently to support young micro-entrepreneurs, including those in the informal sector. Through the Anzisha Prize, for instance, the applicant’s bank statement is not the only way they can prove credibility and legitimacy. The programme allows applicants to provide alternate supporting documents, such as copies of the applicant’s accounting records, reported simply in an exercise book. She brings home the idea that in order for the human capital investment required to drive future growth to happen, the trust factor towards young people must increase. It is only then that they will be included in the decision-making structures and given capital to grow as entrepreneurs and to grow out of being a frontier market.

Click here to watch the full webinar.


Society Talks is a weekly public dialogue hosted by the Southern Africa Trust through a live stream on YouTube. The dialogue brings together stakeholders within the development and business community, civil society and the public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

Connect and participate every Wednesday at 16h00 Central Africa time (GMT +2).